Our recreational soccer program is split into 2 divisions:
Lower Rec Division: Micro-Kickers (2021-2022) and U6 (2020-2019)
Upper Rec Division: U7 (2018), U8 (2017), U10 (2016-2015), U12 (2014-2013) and U15 (2012-2010)

Micro kickers is an introductory program designed for Boys and Girls with a 2021 and 2022 birth year, that introduces children to the game of soccer. Players focus on having fun, gross motor skills, and learning the game through play. The program is held during the week for 4 weeks on Tuesday and Saturday.
MK Spring 2025:
Tuesday April 22, 2025--Saturday May 17, 2025.
u6 is for players born in 2019-2020. We will play a 3v3 format with no goalies. We will build on the foundations learned in the MK program. Players focus on the beginning fundamentals of the game such as passing, receiving and shooting, in a fun environment that builds character and community through play. Volunteer coaches lead players through 2 practices a week for the first 2 weeks and then 2 games a week for 5 weeks. Games are played 1 night/week and Saturdays.